Category General Blog

This is the General company blog where you can find just General information about what we are doing

Our plans for 2021

  Its late as always for Mancbuses but we are working as normal though everything with extra hours etc and covid-19. Everything is said in the video basically but in short.   B10 is having a lot of work on…

New Idea! – Do I say anything Useful

After I was forced to take all my blog videos down by work after a argument between management. I missed telling the stories and sharing experiences with the world well 20 people so decided to bring it back to life…

Different Drive Monitor systems

Hello Everyone.   Here is a video that will probably end me in trouble. In this video I talk about the differences between GreenRoad, Traffic Log and Drive Cam. Its a rather simple video and I have tried to be…

Masks on Public Transport

This video is a short release date so it stays relevant to the times. Recently BOJO and his posse made it so Masks and face coverings mandatory on public transport for passengers. This has bought out a new kind of…

Unboxing the new Battery Charger

What more is there to say expect the end of this video never got shot which is a shame this video isn’t really worth a post so there will be something to go with this too. but I haven’t got…

Farewell to the 168- Tribute

Well, Wills back and he wanted to do a Farewell to the 168 journeys as he used to drive them in a mixture of buses from Hyde Road depot a few years Ago. Before it was moved to Sharston Depot…

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