In this day and age the support that everyone shows to museums and preservation groups is so important. Many owners have chosen to buy these vehicles and try their hardest to keep them on the road or even just restoring them But that shouldn’t mean that they should be left to cover the cost alone.
We have heard enough over the 5 years we have done this and the 3 years since we started our Non-Profit company where we have talked about donations and support and we get told mainly by a certain type of person that “If you cant afford it Sell it or Scrap it” Can we just say this is the most stupidest comment or reply that human has every made and very narrow minded.
Let us open your mind slightly, Many vehicles out there no matter what vehicle it is a Train, Plane, Bus or truck you name it. These vehicles are kept running by people like us that are passionate to have them on the road and saving that little bit of history for younger generations to experience and learn about. However people don’t like to help small groups or solo people that are working hard to do these vehicles but and will come out with that comment but in the reality of things all these museums that you may attend to see these vehicles most will be privately owned and will be supported by a museum or donations made. So why is this so different for a small group like ourselves where we only have one vehicle and take it on the road to shows etc rather than it sitting in a museum.
We thought when we became a small business where the accounts have to be submitted etc we would be a little bit better off finding the support from everyone.
It is very frustrating when comments are made which don’t really need to be made. Groups like us do not expect everyone else to pay for everything but the little bit helps us. This is the same for any vehicle owner. This is why it is super disappointing to see a few things when owners operate these lovely vehicles for the public to ride on. We all tend to have a donation bucket and although it is never you must donate The amount of tight arses out there is mind bogging. These owners have allowed you to enjoy a ride on there vehicle at their expense the least we think you can do is put your hand in your pocket and give a little donation to help the poor owner out with the stupid amounts of cost that it takes to run a bus all day for you. The other thing that really is annoying is those you ride and abuse the vehicle leaving litter etc, Just take it with you and respect the vehicle. This something that the younger generation seems to have a habit of doing.
Please when riding give a small donation to the owner if they have a bucket out it will mean the world to them they are not in it to make money they just want to cover the fuel and wear and tear if possible.
So really what we are saying is this can’t afford so scrap it or sell it rubbish really is rubbish and you should support where you can if you have a vehicle you like support them. doesn’t really matter how if you can afford to give them a few quid each month that will help them out if you have a service to offer them to save them a little cash then offer it. It is all helpful and we all would be very grateful.
If this had made you think twice please check out our support page link can be found at the top where you have many ways to support us and it all is brilliant to us and very helpful.