Week 4 – Pretty much Gone

Well week 4 has come and gone, This week Jordan and Natalie worked hard once again in removing a bit more floor and taking more items to the storage locker that the Storage Works has provided for us. That is looking more full each time and we still have to get all the seats in there yet. We was going to take some this week but we are very glad we didn’t as we got there to find the lift out of service which was a issue so we had to hand ball two cages full of items up the stairs to the 3rd floor.

How does the bus look right now well let us show you.

As you can see the whole of the wide bottom part has now been taken up its a little shy of the goal we had for the day which was to have it up all the way to the cab but can’t have everything when it was rather tricky in areas. Where it was rotten it was really easy but in other sections the strong wood and bonding it was really tricky to get it up.

Having all this up though so far has just shown that we only have a little bit of major rot and the rest is simple surface rot which now can be dealt with.

Next week we are looking at cutting all the screws that are sticking out away then with a hammer and a grinder get rid of some of the rust so it can be made ready for paint depending on the amount of people we have the rest of the floor can come up. Other things that could happen is the seats legs can be removed allow us to get more in the car to move them to the locker that is if the lift is working as we don’t fancy having to take them up the stairs.

Parts of the chassis that doesn’t need work will more than likely been cleaned off and painted just to stop the surface rust and then be painted again when the rest is this will give us a good few layers of paint on the chassis protecting it from further rusting and give us another good few years. We aim to have it perfect so from this point onwards it is just a case of preventive maintenance to the chassis rather than us have to replace bits with the floor in place. We know there will be some in future but we can limit it as much as possible now.

The progress with the floor is slow but rewarding as more is taken up. Hopefully it goes down just as easy. Further plans in the future are once the seats are removed from the back of the bus the Head of the engine is going to be able to be taken off where it can go for skimming and we can see inside the cylinders to see the condition of the engine and how deep we need to go with a rebuild. That will be the choice of how damaged the cylinders are as we know already from our little running of it that at least 2 now are not firing. All this work as well might finally fix the not wanting to start issue.

A lot of plans needs a lot of money but we are trying our best. We are obviously using our own money and the money Mancbuses makes via YouTube and memberships, However if you would like to help then please check out the support us page or if you want to buy us a part we need get in touch via email Admin@mancbuses.com or you can send us a message on social media. We need all the help we can get the more help the quicker this restoration is. We do want to do it correctly so the bus is brilliant when we bring it out.

Keep following for week 5 update

Jordan and the MancBuses Team

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