Semi Rebuilding the back end – B10 Project #054
With the madness of having to rebuild the rear end of 7176 and having to have my 2yo niece for this weekend, we forgot the tripod and a few other bits while my niece was busy playing on the play…
With the madness of having to rebuild the rear end of 7176 and having to have my 2yo niece for this weekend, we forgot the tripod and a few other bits while my niece was busy playing on the play…
Job number two on the list was still to do with the air system and as you will of heard in the first video on the air dryer there was a massive leak towards the rear of the bus which…
So here Is a bit of a step by step guide in how (if you would preserve a bus) of how to Fix a roof Dome perfectly shown to us by our very own grease monkey Chris who is a…
Here we change the Engine Air Filter. The Air filter ensures that only air goes into the engine leaving all the rubbish like soil, oil partials etc are kept out of the engine. We didn’t expect to have to do…
Fitting Air Horns Well, those that know me very well and were able to see one of the car share videos before it had to be removed. Will know that me and Will both believe that on large vehicles such…
Well as many of you would be aware Unless you have joined the blog here. With the B10 we were having issues with the Air system always running out of air really quickly, It wasn’t what we expected and was…