A Company update 2021 to 2022

Hi everyone we hope you are well, We would like to share an update from the company view of how we was doing last year.

So let’s start with the big one money. For those that are aware, the financial year starts at August and ends in September. We will do a summary of figures here but they are fully available on Companies house where you can see the full document in detail. In total, we had an income of around £4500 which is a mix of the director’s input, Ads and donations. We spent a total of around £4000 of which £1500 is rent alone. The cost of rent is crippling when you see it like that other cost is vehicle maintenance, fuel and general running costs. By far Membership is our largest income and we are very grateful to all those who are members and choose to donate a small monthly contribution to us.

Most of our income and source of content is placed on YouTube we can give you some figures on that. Views – 256K watch time – 11K Subscribers – +288 and Ad revenue -£359 which from the previous year shows that the channel is growing slowly we would love it to grow a little faster but growth is growth at the end of the day. However, although the general views are up on last year the amount of watch time is down which may show that our videos could be a little boring and could do with being improved.

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