Welcome the New vehicle.

Hello girls and guys,

After an intense end of the week. Thursday we was made aware of a Dennis Dart for sale by the Town and district engineer. It was presented to us with this photo.

It was presented as a price of £800 and we arranged on Saturday 25th to view the vehicle as we were buying time we agreed to put down a deposit on the vehicle if we were going to keep it as that second on Thursday that is what we could afford and the week would buy us enough time to make/raise the £600.

So we looked about in the group of us what we could afford and where we could borrow from family etc. However after a small chat with two Patreons Kenny and Leon. Kenny who donated a large sum to us to ensure that we did get the vehicle and Leon who donated enough to help get Breakdown cover to make driving it back more relaxing.

Before anyone says well you’re abusing the donations etc as I know someone will. I will make this 100% clear now that any money from others like the two patreons that helped was made in an agreement between us and them before it was made, That I am not going to go into details about as that is between Mancbuses and the people involved.

However, the main thing is that the dart was saved.

What is the plan?

Well the plan as it stands now is we are going through the dart to check the chassis etc we have a small list of issues which we will publish more information on in a video.

Chassis isn’t too bad there is a few little bits of welding that is needed however with a dart the chassis is simple steel so easy to repair.

Doesn’t start from the Cab this is because the bus thinks it Is in gear, however, does start from the rear.

And apart from cosmetic things it is not too bad.


Now we see 7176 back where it was a month or so ago.

Why is this? Well, this bus has been a headache and is due for MOT very shortly we are pretty much sure unless steve wonder it won’t pass again this will be in an urgent update video. Patreons will have early access. Chassis pictures will be made available for the Patreons and members via the normal ways.


More updates to follow in about a weeks time.

img src=”https://mancbuses.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/unnamed-file.jpeg” data-media-id=”79197006″ />

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