Well all of you know that its coming and it has, eventually I get my bus from a boring and kind of bland Dark Blue into National Express Colours. None of this could have been possible without my Patreon Followers who have aided me in buying the various paints etc.
Thank-you also to TDTT who allowed me to use the painting part of their storage facility.
As you can see throughout the Video and some pictures which will be up on this website soon, you will see the entire transformation of my B10BLE into eventually its original colours. Also included is when we add on the vinyl including, “7176”, “National Express”,”Dundee”.
A big thank you to Dave who helped throughout the process of sanding and painting my vehicle.
Please add your thoughts in the Youtube comments section, also please think about supporting Mancbuses on Patreon, Stream Elements (One off Donations) which have been a massive help throughout the repainting process of my bus.
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